Energy efficiency is already high on the government's agenda, with its Net Zero by 2050 target and the recent announcement of its strategy to move towards heat pumps and other solutions.

Proposals to increase minimum energy efficiency standards mean that landlords will need to invest to increase their Energy Performance Certificate ratings to minimum rating of C on all new and existing tenancies by 2028.

Energy efficiency improvements are both investment in your asset - the property - as well as the ongoing yield from rental payments, which will likely pay dividends when it comes to selling or continuing to rent in the future.

Taking a step-by-step approach will spread the cost of making these improvements. 

Your EPC will help you make some decisions based on its rating and the recommendations included and we are currently and will be working through them to help you make decisions if needed.

There are still grants available that can be based on your or your tenant’s income so another good reason to look into this sooner than later before the pot is empty!